Modes and states in quantum optics

C Fabre, N Treps - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2020 - APS
A few decades ago, quantum optics stood out as a new domain of physics by exhibiting
states of light with no classical equivalent. The first investigations concerned single photons …

Building a large-scale quantum computer with continuous-variable optical technologies

K Fukui, S Takeda - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2022 -
Realizing a large-scale quantum computer requires hardware platforms that can
simultaneously achieve universality, scalability, and fault tolerance. As a viable pathway to …

Probing multimode squeezing with correlation functions

A Christ, K Laiho, A Eckstein, KN Cassemiro… - New Journal of …, 2011 -
Broadband multimode squeezers constitute a powerful quantum resource with promising
potential for different applications in quantum information technologies such as information …

Generation and characterization of multimode quantum frequency combs

O Pinel, P Jian, RM De Araujo, J Feng, B Chalopin… - Physical review …, 2012 - APS
Multimode nonclassical states of light are an essential resource in quantum computation
with continuous variables, for example, in cluster state computation. We report in this Letter …

Single-step fabrication of scalable multimode quantum resources using four-wave mixing with a spatially structured pump

H Wang, C Fabre, J Jing - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Multimode quantum resources or states, in which quantum correlations are shared and
distributed among multiple parties, are important not only for fundamental tests of quantum …

Generation of a time-frequency grid state with integrated biphoton frequency combs

N Fabre, G Maltese, F Appas, S Felicetti, A Ketterer… - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
Encoding quantum information in continuous variables is intrinsically faulty. Nevertheless,
redundant qubits can be used for error correction, as proposed by Gottesman et al.[Phys …

Continuous-variable cluster-state generation over the optical spatial mode comb

R Pooser, J Jing - Physical Review A, 2014 - APS
One-way quantum computing uses single-qubit projective measurements performed on a
cluster state (a highly entangled state of multiple qubits) in order to enact quantum gates …

Optimal mode configuration for multiple phase-matched four-wave-mixing processes

EM Knutson, JD Swaim, S Wyllie, RT Glasser - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
We demonstrate an unseeded multimode four-wave-mixing process in hot Rb 85 vapor
using two pump beams of the same frequency that cross at a small angle. This results in the …

Ultrabroadband direct detection of nonclassical photon statistics at telecom wavelength

K Wakui, Y Eto, H Benichi, S Izumi, T Yanagida… - Scientific reports, 2014 -
Broadband light sources play essential roles in diverse fields, such as high-capacity optical
communications, optical coherence tomography, optical spectroscopy and spectrograph …

Spatiotemporal graph states from a single optical parametric oscillator

R Yang, J Zhang, I Klich, C González-Arciniegas… - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
An experimental scheme is proposed for building massively multipartite entangled states
using both the spatial and the frequency modes of an optical parametric oscillator. We …