evaporation of mercury from soils. An integration and synthesis of current knowledge

K Schlüter - Environmental Geology, 2000 - Springer
Understanding the mechanisms of mercury evaporation from soil to the atmosphere is
necessary for tracing the fate of mercury in the biological environment and for assessing …

Classification of noise sources for port area noise mapping

L Fredianelli, M Bolognese, F Fidecaro, G Licitra - Environments, 2021 - mdpi.com
Maritime transportation is recognized to have advantages in terms of environmental impact
compared to other forms of transportation. However, an increment in traffic volumes will also …

Black pine (Pinus nigra) barks as biomonitors of airborne mercury pollution

L Chiarantini, V Rimondi, M Benvenuti… - Science of the Total …, 2016 - Elsevier
Tree barks are relevant interfaces between plants and the external environment, and can
effectively retain airborne particles and elements at their surface. In this paper we have …

Concentration, distribution, and translocation of mercury and methylmercury in mine-waste, sediment, soil, water, and fish collected near the Abbadia San Salvatore …

V Rimondi, JE Gray, P Costagliola, O Vaselli… - Science of the total …, 2012 - Elsevier
The distribution and translocation of mercury (Hg) was studied in the Paglia River
ecosystem, located downstream from the inactive Abbadia San Salvatore mine (ASSM). The …

Mercury and plants in contaminated soils: 1. Uptake, partitioning, and emission to the atmosphere

TL Leonard, GE Taylor Jr, MS Gustin… - … and Chemistry: An …, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
The uptake, distribution, and subsequent emission of mercury to the atmosphere were
investigated in five plant species (Lepidium latifolium [L.], Artemisia douglasiana [Bess in …

Metallogeny, exploitation and environmental impact of the Mt. Amiata mercury ore district (Southern Tuscany, Italy)

V Rimondi, L Chiarantini, P Lattanzi… - Italian Journal of …, 2015 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract The Mt. Amiata mining district (Southern Tuscany, Italy) is a world class Hg district,
with a cumulate production of more than 100,000 tonnes of Hg, mostly occurring between …

Comparison of concentrations of mercury in ambient air to its accumulation by leafy vegetables: An important step in terrestrial food chain analysis

L De Temmerman, N Waegeneers, N Claeys… - Environmental …, 2009 - Elsevier
A biomonitoring network with leafy vegetables was established near a chlor-alkali plant in
order to compare the accumulation of mercury to the atmospheric total gaseous mercury …

Lichen biomonitoring of mercury emission and deposition in mining, geothermal and volcanic areas of Italy

R Bargagli, C Barghigiani - Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1991 - Springer
Natural emissions of Hg are attracting increased interest both for their environmental
implications and for possible applications in the exploration of mineral, petroleum and …

Environmental impact of trace element emissions from geothermal power plants

R Bargagli, D Cateni, L Nelli, S Olmastroni… - Archives of …, 1997 - Springer
Concentrations of several trace elements were determined in mosses, higher plants and
organs of small mammals from a geothermal area in Tuscany (central Italy). Increased …

Mercury in abiotic and biotic compartments of an area affected by a geochemical anomaly (Mt. Amiata, Italy)

R Ferrara, BE Maserti, R Breder - Water Air & Soil Pollution, 1991 - Springer
Data both from the literature and from our own research are reported on the Hg levels in the
soil, waters, sediment, atmosphere and some plants of the mineralized Monte Amiata region …