CL Hunt, TR Gissel, A Tarter, D Floyd… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
A remote server dispatches an instruction packet to a node in a network through a linear communication orbit formed by a collection of nodes. The instruction packet propagates from …
JA Moore, MN Bowers, AG Betrabet - US Patent App. 11/713,279, 2007 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A communication system employable With an enterprise that provides applications for a user through a communication device, and method of operating the same …
X Wang, C Gui, W Wang, M Nova - US Patent 7,941,149, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A wireless communication system is provided that has at least three nodes arranged in a multi-hop ultra wide band (UWB) communication network Such that …
This application is a continuation of US application Ser. No. 11/906,497, entitled “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR LINK QUALITY SOURCE ROUTING” filed on Oct. 2, 2007, now US Pat …
JH Lee, X Hu, Y Liu, M Lee - US Patent 7,961,710, 2011 - Google Patents
A method and apparatus is provided for setting multiple paths between wireless nodes of an ad-hoc network including a source node, a relay node and a destination node that receives …
GA Howard, F Assadi, Y Xin, N Okasinski… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for maintaining drug information and communi cating with medication delivery devices includes software designed for use in a hospital, pharmacy or …
CL Hunt, TR Gissel, A Tarter, D Floyd… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
A respective node in a linear communication orbit receives an instruction packet through the linear communication orbit, where the instruction packet has been propagated from a …