Etlingera elatior or torch ginger is a species under the Zingiberaceae family, primarily distributed in tropical forests and humid, shady places. It is a coarse herb often growing in …
G Windarsih, DW Utami, S Yuriyah - Biodiversitas Journal of Biological …, 2021 -
Windarsih G, Utami DW, Yuriyah S. 2021. Morphological characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 5507-5529. Zingiberaceae, known as …
Curcuma heyneana or temu giring is mainly popular for medicinal and beauty purposes; however due to its attractive inflorescence, it is potential for ornamental plant. This study …
As human populations continue to grow and natural habitats shrink, there is an urgent need to understand and protect plant species that have the potential to benefit both humans and …
Mental health disorders are currently widely discussed, especially anxiety and depression. The number of people living with anxiety and depression disorders in 2020 increased …
IGAK Larashati, AAGRY Putra - Prosiding Workshop dan …, 2022 -
Pemanfaatan obat tradisional termasuk ke dalam kekayaan budaya Indonesia yang didasarkan pada pengetahuan dan kepercayaan berbagai etnis. Usada Tenung Tanyara …
Researchers in the field of natural product chemistry and pharmacology focus on discovering new drugs from medicinal plants. The medicinal plants of Sabah (North Borneo) …
Zingiberaceae is one of the well-known families that are widely used as herbal medicines due to its various beneficial values. However, substitution with closely related species has …
Abstract Background and Objective: The resistance of Ae. aegypti larvae against Temephos become an obstacle in controlling the arboviral vector. This condition triggered researchers …