Equilibration, thermalisation, and the emergence of statistical mechanics in closed quantum systems

C Gogolin, J Eisert - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We review selected advances in the theoretical understanding of complex quantum many-
body systems with regard to emergent notions of quantum statistical mechanics. We cover …

One-shot decoupling

F Dupuis, M Berta, J Wullschleger, R Renner - … in Mathematical Physics, 2014 - Springer
If a quantum system A, which is initially correlated to another system, E, undergoes an
evolution separated from E, then the correlation to E generally decreases. Here, we study …

Entanglement sampling and applications

F Dupuis, O Fawzi, S Wehner - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A natural measure for the amount of quantum information that a physical system E holds
about another system A= A 1,..., A n is given by the min-entropy H min (A| E). In particular …

Decoupling with random quantum circuits

W Brown, O Fawzi - Communications in mathematical physics, 2015 - Springer
Decoupling has become a central concept in quantum information theory, with applications
including proving coding theorems, randomness extraction and the study of conditions for …

Catalytic decoupling of quantum information

C Majenz, M Berta, F Dupuis, R Renner… - Physical Review Letters, 2017 - APS
The decoupling technique is a fundamental tool in quantum information theory with
applications ranging from thermodynamics to many-body physics and black hole radiation …

Upper bounds on mixing rates

EH Lieb, A Vershynina - arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.3865, 2013 - arxiv.org
We prove upper bounds on the rate, called" mixing rate", at which the von Neumann entropy
of the expected density operator of a given ensemble of states changes under non-local …

Equilibration and thermalization in quantum systems

C Gogolin - 2014 - refubium.fu-berlin.de
Diese Arbeit lotet aus, inwieweit thermodynamisches Verhalten auf der Basis von
Quantenmechanik erklärt werden kann. Behandelt werden insbesondere: Equilibrierung …