The paper investigates whether impaired asset segregation tools, otherwise known as bad banks, and recapitalisation lead to a recovery in the originating banks' lending and a …
Bank resolution is actually a new term. 360 Traditionally, resolution meant that an entity is liquidated, and all creditors are repaid. 361 However, this is not always the meaning of …
JA González, CG López - Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish …, 2016 -
En los últimos años se han realizado diversas pruebas de estrés a la banca europea con el fin de evaluar su solvencia, condicionando sus resultados las medidas de reestructuración y …
M Beljić, O Glavaški - Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 2021 -
This paper analyses the effectiveness of bail-out mechanisms after the global crisis in comparison to Covid-19 pandemic crisis in the selected Eurozone economies. It seems that …
This paper analyzes the consequences of the monetary policies enact-ed by Western central banks from 2008 on and the possibilities to end these policies. Zero interest rate policies …
G Karamichailidou, DG Mayes - European Banking Union, 2015 -
This chapter explores the difficulties of cross-border recovery and resolution frameworks, and examines whether the approaches being used in the United States, the United …
Kryzys sektora finansowego w latach 2008–2012 ujawnił słabości neoliberalnego podejścia do rynków finansowych, które przejawiało się ograniczaniem możliwości interwencji …
M Beljić - FACTA UNIVERSITATIS-Economics and Organization, 2021 -
This paper analyzes bail-out and bail-in programs in the Eurozone periphery economies after the transformation of the global crisis into a debt crisis. Continuous rise of debt service …
C Gutiérrez López, JI Abad González - 2023 -
El inicio en noviembre de 2014 de las funciones del Banco Central Europeo como supervisor bancario único conlleva la realización previa de una nueva prueba o test de …