The new judicial politics of legal doctrine

JR Lax - Annual Review of Political Science, 2011 -
A new judicial politics of legal doctrine has the potential to resolve foundational dilemmas
and reconcile long-standing and counterproductive scholarly divisions by bringing together …

Symmetry's mandate: Constraining the politicization of American administrative law

DE Walters - Mich. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
When Congress passes a statute that presupposes some further elaboration and
implementation by administrative agencies, eventually questions are bound to arise both …

Political constraints on legal doctrine: How hierarchy shapes the law

JR Lax - The Journal of Politics, 2012 -
When higher court judges attempt to assert control over lower-court decision making, do
such hierarchical politics shape legal doctrine? Using a “case-space” model of choice …

Are empiricists asking the right questions about judicial decisionmaking

J Knight - Duke LJ, 2008 - HeinOnline
This is a conference organized around the general topic of measuring judges and justice.
The mandate for the conference raises a number of interesting and challenging questions, of …

Legal doctrine on collegial courts

D Landa, JR Lax - The Journal of Politics, 2009 -
Appellate courts, which have the most control over legal doctrine, tend to operate through
collegial (multimember) decision making. How does this collegiality affect their choice of …

How the Chamber System at the CJEU Undermines the Consistency of the Court's Application of EU Law

JC Fjelstul - Journal of Law and Courts, 2023 -
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) uses a chamber system to more
efficiently decide cases. To what extent, and under what conditions, does the CJEU's …

Understanding collegiality on the court

FB Cross, EH Tiller - U. Pa. J. Const. L., 2007 - HeinOnline
UNDERSTANDING COLLEGIALITY collegiality of this type. Oliver Wendell Holmes
described the Court as" nine scorpions in a bottle." 9 The Court has surely seen …

Rational choice attitudinalism? A review of Epstein, Landes and Posner's The behavior of federal judges: a theoretical and empirical study of rational choice

CM Cameron, LA Kornhauser - 2017 - Springer
Abstract This essay reviews Epstein, Landes, and Posner's The Behavior of Federal Judges:
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Rational Choice. Their book systematically asks how …

The academic study of decision making on multimember courts

KM Quinn - Calif. L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
The study of decision making on multimember courts has, in the past ten or so years,
attracted increasing academic attention. In this Essay, I would like to briefly discuss this …

Argumentação constitucional: um estudo sobre a deliberação nos tribunais constitucionais

AR Vale - 2015 -
Os tribunais constitucionais estão atualmente difundidos e consolidados institucionalmente
na maioria das democracias, de modo que o debate sobre a legitimidade democrática da …