Cross-border partnerships are a distinctive example of inter-organizational cooperation, embedded, in terms of territory, in the neighboring borderland regions of two or more …
In recent years, the birth of “the new normalcy”, characterised by permanently growing uncertainty and complexity of the business environment as well as increasingly dynamic …
O Sobolewska - Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and …, 2020 -
Nowadays, more and more often, we are dealing with the emergence of network organizations. These are organizations set up to accomplish specific tasks and are created …
Sustainable tourism, carried out on spa tourism enterprises, is a key issue that requires the combination of the implementation of economic goals of business activity and, at the same …
PURPOSE: The analysis of the literature shows that the attempts to conceptualize the strategic aspects of the network bring a significant impact on the development of research on …
Koniec XX i początek XXI w. to okres, w którym doszło do zasadniczych zmian w filozofii funkcjonowania wielu organizacji. Rozwój cywilizacyjny spowodował, Ŝe zarówno struktura …
The aim of the paper was to create a configuration model of an inter-organizational network for post-industrial tourist organizations. Nowadays, establishing organized and structured …
B Barczak - Zeszyty Naukowe/Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w …, 2016 -
Przedmiotem rozważań w niniejszej monografii są struktury sieciowe definiowane jako układ relacji (powiązań) o charakterze zewnętrznym i (lub) wewnętrznym pomiędzy …