From clicktivism to hacktivism: Understanding digital activism

JJ George, DE Leidner - Information and organization, 2019 - Elsevier
Digital activism provides new opportunities for social movement participants and social
movement organizations (SMOs). Recent IS research has begun to touch on digital activism …

The cultural impacts of social movements

E Amenta, F Polletta - Annual Review of Sociology, 2019 -
The most important impacts of social movements are often cultural, but the sheer variety of
potential cultural impacts—from shifts in public opinion to new portrayals of a group on …

Introduction: The contentious politics of refugee and migrant protest and solidarity movements: Remaking citizenship from the margins

I Ataç, K Rygiel, M Stierl - Citizenship studies, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Throughout the world, political mobilizations by refugees, irregularized migrants, and
solidarity activists have emerged, demanding and enacting the right to move and to stay …

[图书][B] Digitally enabled social change: Activism in the internet age

J Earl, K Kimport - 2011 -
Much attention has been paid in recent years to the emergence of" Internet activism," but
scholars and pundits disagree about whether online political activity is different in kind from …

[图书][B] Insiders versus outsiders: Interest group politics in multilevel Europe

A Dür, G Mateo - 2016 -
What explains differences in the lobbying behaviour of interest groups? And what
consequences do these differences have for the access that interest groups can gain to …

[图书][B] Los movimientos sociales

D Della Porta, M Diani - 2011 -
Con un lenguaje claro, ameno y accesible, la obra de Donatella della Porta y Mario Diani
sigue siendo, hoy por hoy, una referencia obligada para los investigadores, además de un …

Social media empowerment in social movements: power activation and power accrual in digital activism

C Leong, SL Pan, S Bahri, A Fauzi - European Journal of …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Social media assume a role in activism by enabling the powerless to voice widely shared
grievances and organise unequally distributed resources. However, the predominant focus …

Culture, power, and institutions: A multi‐institutional politics approach to social movements

EA Armstrong, M Bernstein - Sociological theory, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
We argue that critiques of political process theory are beginning to coalesce into a new
approach to social movements—a “multi‐institutional politics” approach. While the political …

Boundary organizations: Enabling collaboration among unexpected allies

S O'Mahony, BA Bechky - Administrative science quarterly, 2008 -
Our research examines how parties challenging established social systems collaborate with
defenders of those systems to achieve mutual goals. With field interviews and observations …

Hands up, don't shoot: Why the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore matter, and how they changed America

JE Cobbina - Hands Up, Don't Shoot, 2019 -
Following the high-profile deaths of eighteen-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri,
and twenty-five-year-old Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, both cities erupted in protest …