Otázky žurnalistiky v retrospektíve rokov 2018–2022

D Serafínová - Otázky žurnalistiky, 2023 - ceeol.com
The presented professional text recording the interesting studies and scientific papers for the
years 2018–2022, which brought many changes to the life of society and new challenges to …

Naratívy a diskurz mediálnej normalizácie 1998, 2008, 2018

A Sámelová - Otázky žurnalistiky, 2018 - ceeol.com
Drawing on the brief descriptions of the historic events in the Slovak mass media ʻThe
Gamatex Caseʼ (1998), ʻThe Presstitutes Caseʼ (2008), ʻ# AllForJanʼ (2018), the author …