The average genus of oriented rational links with a given crossing number

D Ray, Y Diao - Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2023 - World Scientific
In this paper, we enumerate the number of oriented rational knots and the number of
oriented rational links with any given crossing number and minimum genus. This allows us …

A characterization of quasipositive two-bridge knots

B Ozbagci - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07179, 2023 -
We prove a simple necessary and sufficient condition for a two-bridge knot K (p, q) to be
quasipositive, based on the continued fraction expansion of p/q. As an application, coupled …

The braid indices of the reverse parallel links of alternating knots

Y Diao, H Morton - Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2024 -
The braid indices of most links remain unknown as there is no known universal method for
determining the braid index of an arbitrary knot. This is also the case for alternating knots …

Knots with equal bridge index and braid index

Y Diao, C Ernst, P Reiter - Journal of Knot Theory and Its …, 2021 - World Scientific
In this paper, we are interested in BB knots, namely knots and links whose bridge index and
braid index are equal. Supported by observations from experiments, it is conjectured that BB …

The Braid Indices of Pretzel Links: A Comprehensive Study, Part I

Y Diao, C Ernst, G Hetyei - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14094, 2024 -
The determination of the braid index of an oriented link is generally a hard problem. In the
case of alternating links, some significant progresses have been made in recent years which …

The Enumeration of Alternating Pretzel Links

C Aspinwall, T Clark, Y Diao - arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.06103, 2024 -
In this paper, we tabulate the set of alternating pretzel links. Specifically, for any given
crossing number $ c $, we derive a closed formula that would allow us to compute $\mathcal …

Invariants of rational links represented by reduced alternating diagrams

Y Diao, C Ernst, G Hetyei - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2020 - SIAM
A rational link may be represented by any of the (infinitely) many link diagrams
corresponding to various continued fraction expansions of the same rational number. The …

Writhe-like invariants of alternating links

Y Diao, V Pham - Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2021 - World Scientific
It is known that the writhe calculated from any reduced alternating link diagram of the same
(alternating) link has the same value. That is, it is a link invariant if we restrict ourselves to …

On alternating quasipositive links

SY Orevkov - Doklady Mathematics, 2020 - Springer
An effectively verifiable condition for quasipositivity of links is given. In particular, it is proven
that if a quasipositive link can be represented by an alternating diagram satisfying the …

Families of curly knots

C Ernst, S Gover - Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2022 - World Scientific
A spiral knot or link diagram (introduced in [C. Adams, R. Hudson, R. Morrison, W. George,
L. Starkston, S. Taylor and O. Turanova, The spiral index of knots, Math. Proc. Cambridge …