The main purpose of this thesis is to assess the alignment of statutory social security regulations applied in Turkey to the European Union non-discrimination principle. In the …
Η δημιουργία μιας οικογένειας είναι ένας σημαντικός στόχος για τις περισσότερες γυναίκες οι οποίες προσπαθούν να συνδυάσουν τη μητρότητα με την επαγγελματική τους καριέρα. Η …
Maternity protection is a fundamental human right and an essential prerequisite for the achievement of women's rights and gender equality. It is a legal and social recognition of the …
Resumen FIGUEROA BELLO, Aída y NIEDRIST, Gerhard. Some Approximations to the Relevant Judgments in the Law of the European Union Issued by the European Court of …
En tanto a la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, el Tribunal de Justicia comunitario ha plasmado una orientación interpretativa tendencialmente positivista; son más los casos en …
Women in Europe have long been seen as primary carers and this has significantly influenced their earnings and position in the labour market. The understanding of the …
B Todorova - Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference" …, 2019 -
Novinite vo Zakonot za hartii od vrednost i nivniot odraz vrz raboteweto na trgovskite dru{tva so poseben osvrt na izdavaweto ak Page 1 UDK 364.3-22-057-055.2 СОЦИЈАЛНА ЗАШТИТА НА …
Varstvo materinstva je bistvenega pomena za zdravje in dobro počutje ţensk ter njihovih otrok. Ključnega pomena je ţenskam zagotoviti dostojno delo in enakost spolov, saj jim …
E Jelovčan - Ljubljana talks in law and economics -
Since 1950, the world's population above 60 years has tripled and it is estimated that the senior and geriatric population will increase to 2.1 billion by 2050. 595 Also known as …