Rhetoric in Islamic Tradition: Paradigm and Its Development

U Hasanah - KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Komunikasi, 2021 - ejournal.uinsaizu.ac.id
Rhetoric has an essential role in developing Islamic civilization and da'wah. Rhetoric in the
Islamic tradition has a dualistic paradigm that appears with two faces, specifically balaghah …

Building Bridges, Not Walls: Navigating Inter-Religious Conflict Over Worship Spaces in Aceh Singkil, Indonesia

A Zain, M Maturidi - Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan …, 2023 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
This study aims to identify the factors causing conflict, analyse conflict resolution methods,
and determine the factors that hinder the resolution of conflicts related to the construction of …

The Concept of Structural Da'wah of Palembang City Government in Realizing The Golden City of Darussalam

M Muslimin - Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2023 - jurnal.syntaxtransformation.co.id
The structural dakwah is movement of dakwah through inner power of government. The
activity of structural dakwah is propagate Islamic value to evolving society, structure, politics …