Electoral accountability: Recent theoretical and empirical work

S Ashworth - Annual Review of Political Science, 2012 - annualreviews.org
Competitive elections create a relationship of formal accountability between policy makers
and citizens. Recent theoretical work suggests that there are limits on how well this formal …

Text as data: The promise and pitfalls of automatic content analysis methods for political texts

J Grimmer, BM Stewart - Political analysis, 2013 - cambridge.org
Politics and political conflict often occur in the written and spoken word. Scholars have long
recognized this, but the massive costs of analyzing even moderately sized collections of …

[图书][B] Principled agents?: The political economy of good government

T Besley - 2006 - books.google.com
What is good government? Why do some governments fail? How do you implement political
accountability in practice? What incentives do you need to put in place to ensure that …

[图书][B] Representational style in Congress: What legislators say and why it matters

J Grimmer - 2013 - books.google.com
This book demonstrates the consequences of legislators' strategic communication for
representation in American politics. Representational Style in Congress shows how …

How words and money cultivate a personal vote: The effect of legislator credit claiming on constituent credit allocation

J Grimmer, S Messing, SJ Westwood - American Political Science …, 2012 - cambridge.org
Particularistic spending, a large literature argues, builds support for incumbents. This
literature equates money spent in the district with the credit constituents allocate. Yet …

[图书][B] Clients and constituents: Political responsiveness in patronage democracies

J Bussell - 2019 - books.google.com
Scholars of distributive politics often emphasize partisanship and clientelism. However, as
Jennifer Bussell demonstrates in Clients and Constituents, legislators in" patronage …

Why vote with the chief? Political connections and public goods provision in Zambia

K Baldwin - American Journal of Political Science, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Why are voters influenced by the views of local patrons when casting their ballots? The
existing literature suggests that coercion and personal obligations underpin this form of …

Learning about voter rationality

S Ashworth, E Bueno de Mesquita… - American Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
An important empirical literature evaluates whether voters are rational by examining how
electoral outcomes respond to events outside the control of politicians, such as natural …

Is voter competence good for voters?: Information, rationality, and democratic performance

S Ashworth, EB De Mesquita - American Political Science Review, 2014 - cambridge.org
A long research tradition in behavioral political science evaluates the performance of
democracy by examining voter competence. This literature got its start arguing that voters' …

Disentangling accountability and competence in elections: evidence from US term limits

J Alt, E Bueno de Mesquita, S Rose - The Journal of Politics, 2011 - journals.uchicago.edu
We exploit variation in US gubernatorial term limits across states and time to empirically
estimate two separate effects of elections on government performance. Holding tenure in …