The evidence for Allee effects

AM Kramer, B Dennis, AM Liebhold, JM Drake - Population Ecology, 2009 - Springer
Allee effects are an important dynamic phenomenon believed to be manifested in several
population processes, notably extinction and invasion. Though widely cited in these …

The ecology and evolution of colony-size variation

CR Brown - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2016 - Springer
Animals often breed in colonies that can vary in size by several orders of magnitude. Colony-
size variation is perplexing because individuals in some colony sizes have lower fitness …

Options for controlling type 2 diabetes during Ramadan

MH Almalki, F Alshahrani - Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2016 -
The Muslim population is about 1.5 billion worldwide. Based on a global diabetes
prevalence of 4.6%, it is estimated that there are about 50 million Muslims with diabetes …

Predator population dynamics under a cyclic prey regime: numerical responses, demographic parameters and growth rates

A Millon, V Bretagnolle - Oikos, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The consequences of cyclic fluctuations in abundance of prey species on predator continue
to improve our understanding of the mechanisms behind population regulation. Among …

Protected areas do not fulfil the wintering habitat needs of the trans-Saharan migratory Montagu's harrier

R Limiñana, A Soutullo, B Arroyo, V Urios - Biological Conservation, 2012 - Elsevier
Populations of migratory birds can be affected by events happening at both breeding and
wintering grounds. The Sahel is a vast region holding a large number of wintering trans …

Testing Density-Dependent and Path-Dependent Population Dynamics in Greece with Spatial Quantile and Geographically Weighted Regressions

C Ciaschini, K Rontos, F Chelli, M Cucci… - Social Indicators …, 2023 - Springer
Regional variability in the spatial distribution of resident population and across-country
density divides have consolidated heterogeneous demographic patterns at the base of …

Autumn migration of Montagu's harriers Circus pygargus tracked by satellite telemetry

R Liminana, A Soutullo, V Urios - Journal of Ornithology, 2007 - Springer
Although there is a general understanding of Montagu's harriers migration routes and
wintering areas, detailed information on the species' migration is still lacking. However …

Density dependence and habitat quality modulate the intensity of display territory defence in an exploded lekking species

MB Morales, F Casas, E García de la Morena… - Behavioral Ecology and …, 2014 - Springer
We evaluated the effect of conspecific abundance and habitat quality of leks on the territorial
behaviour of males in an exploded lekking species, the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax). The …

Site‐dependent regulation of breeding success: Evidence for the buffer effect in the common guillemot, a colonially breeding seabird

S Bennett, S Wanless, MP Harris… - Journal of Animal …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Density‐dependent regulation can offer resilience to wild populations experiencing
fluctuations in environmental conditions because, at lower population sizes, the average …

Unraveling population trends in Italy (1921–2021) with spatial econometrics

LS Alaimo, C Ciaschini, F Mariani, E Cudlinova… - Scientific Reports, 2023 -
Testing density-dependence and path-dependence in long-term population dynamics under
differentiated local contexts contributes to delineate the changing role of socioeconomic …