Disease phenotypes are generally caused by the failure of gene modules which often have similar biological roles. Through the study of biological networks, it is possible to identify the …
Multi-variable time series forecasting is one of several applications of machine learning. Creating an artificial environment capable of replicating real-world behavior is useful for …
Bio-inspired algorithms are widely and successfully used in solving complex optimization problems. However, a common challenge faced by these algorithms is getting stuck in local …
This paper introduces an agent-based model grounded in the ACO algorithm to investigate the impact of partitioning ant colonies on algorithmic performance. The exploration focuses …
Given a directed graph, we present and experimentally validate new heuristics to find good linear orderings of its vertices so to obtain Feedback Arc Sets which are minimal, ie such that …
Hybrid algorithms are powerful search algorithms obtained by the combination of metaheuristics with other optimization techniques, although the most common hybridization …
Community Detection is one of the most investigated problems as it finds application in many real-life areas. However, detecting communities and analysing community structure …
The paper delves into the analysis of optimization problems that involve changing problem constraints over time and proposes a method to adapt metaheuristic algorithms for real-time …
In this paper we propose an algorithm based on the Tabu Search metaheuristic for the Map Labeling problem, ie the relevant problem in cartography of assigning labels to specific …