[图书][B] Peasant and empire in Christian north africa

L Dossey - 2010 - books.google.com
This remarkable history foregrounds the most marginal sector of the Roman population, the
provincial peasantry, to paint a fascinating new picture of peasant society. Making use of …

[图书][B] The Punic Mediterranean

JC Quinn, NC Vella - 2014 - books.google.com
The role of the Phoenicians in the economy, culture and politics of the ancient
Mediterranean was as large as that of the Greeks and Romans, and deeply interconnected …

An ethnoarchaeological study of livestock dung fuels from cooking installations in northern Tunisia

M Portillo, MC Belarte, J Ramon, N Kallala… - Quaternary …, 2017 - Elsevier
Livestock dung is a valuable material in many rural communities worldwide. In our research
area, the site of Althiburos and its surroundings, now el Médéïna, in northwestern Tunisia …

Husbandry practices and livestock dung at the Numidian site of Althiburos (el Médéina, Kef Governorate, northern Tunisia): the phytolith and spherulite evidence

M Portillo, RM Albert - Journal of Archaeological Science, 2011 - Elsevier
Recent excavations at Althiburos, northern Tunisia, have shown the existence of permanent
pre-roman occupations in the central area of the urban settlement. Significantly, the site has …

[图书][B] The Carthaginian Empire: 550–202 BCE

N Pilkington - 2019 - books.google.com
The Carthaginian Empire: 550–202 BCE argues for a new history of the Phoenician polity. In
contrast to previous studies of the Carthaginian Empire that privileged evidence from Greco …

Domestic patterns in the Numidian site of Althiburos (northern Tunisia): the results from a combined study of animal bones, dung and plant remains

M Portillo, S Valenzuela, RM Albert - Quaternary International, 2012 - Elsevier
The understanding of taphonomic and soil formation processes is critical for evaluating the
integrity of the archaeological record. The Numidian settlement of Althiburos, northern …

[PDF][PDF] Coins and their use in the Punic Mediterranean: case studies from Carthage to Italy from the fourth to the first century BCE

S Frey-Kupper - 2014 - wrap.warwick.ac.uk
http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk Page 1 http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk Original citation: Frey-Kupper,
Suzanne (2014) Coins and their use in the Punic Mediterranean : casestudies from …

The architectural and social dynamics of gentrification in Roman North Africa

JA Dufton - American Journal of Archaeology, 2019 - journals.uchicago.edu
Much has been written about gentrification in the contemporary world, but far less work has
interrogated whether a similar type of renewal can be observed in different places or …


W Vanacker - Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 2015 - JSTOR
During the reign of Tiberius successive governors of Africa Proconsularis struggled to
suppress a serious revolt by a number of semi-nomadic tribes led by Tacfarinas. The conflict …

Rus Africum IV: La fattoria Bizantina di Aïn Wassel, Africa Proconsularis (Alto Tell, Tunisia): lo scavo stratigrafico ei materiali

M de Vos Raaijmakers, B Maurina - 2019 - torrossa.com
L'analisi della ceramica domestica dello scavo di Aïn Wassel proposta in questo volume si
avvale di una documentazione completamente riesaminata e aggiornata, sebbene negli …