Microfluorescence and microtomography analyses of heterogeneous earth and environmental materials

SR Sutton, PM Bertsch, M Newville… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2002 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Analytical techniques with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution are crucial for
understanding the chemical properties of complex earth materials and environmental …

Micropetrology: Are inclusions grains of truth?

S Ferrero, RJ Angel - Journal of Petrology, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Inclusions in minerals, whether fluids, melts or crystalline phases, are small pieces of the
large-scale puzzle of Nature, time-consuming to investigate and often of difficult …

Biological control of Cl/Br and low sulfate concentration in a 3.5-Gyr-old seawater from North Pole, Western Australia

J Foriel, P Philippot, P Rey, A Somogyi, D Banks… - Earth and Planetary …, 2004 - Elsevier
The concentration of halogens (Cl, Br) and sulfate in seawater during the Archaean eon
have important implications for the evolution of Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere and the …

Dissolution of strontianite at high PT conditions: An in-situ synchrotron X-ray fluorescence study

C Sanchez-Valle, I Martinez, I Daniel… - American …, 2003 - degruyter.com
In-situ measurements of the amount of dissolution of carbonate minerals at high pressures
(up to 3.6 GPa) and temperatures (up to 523 K) are reported. Using an externally heated …

Arsenic speciation in fluid inclusions using micro-beam X-ray absorption spectroscopy

J James-Smith, J Cauzid, D Testemale, W Liu… - American …, 2010 - degruyter.com
Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) was used to characterize As speciation
within natural fluid inclusions from three deposits with different hydrogeochemical and …

Analysis of individual fluid inclusions using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microprobe: progress toward calibration for trace elements

B Ménez, P Philippot, M Bonnin-Mosbah… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2002 - Elsevier
A critical problem for conducting quantitative analysis of individual fluid inclusions using
Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence (SXRF) technique relates to the standardization and the …

Atomic spectrometry update. Environmental analysis

SJ Hill, TA Arowolo, OT Butler, JM Cook… - Journal of Analytical …, 2003 - pubs.rsc.org
This is the eighteenth annual review published in JAAS of the application of atomic
spectroscopy to the chemical analysis of environmental samples. The review follows on …

Standardless quantification of single fluid inclusions using synchrotron radiation induced X-ray fluorescence

J Cauzid, P Philippot, A Somogyi, B Ménez… - Chemical …, 2006 - Elsevier
Fluid inclusions are studied using synchrotron radiation induced μ-X-ray fluorescence (μ-SR-
XRF). We analyse inclusions from the Brusson gold deposit, Italy. Several two-phase (liquid …

Internal elemental imaging by scanning X-ray fluorescence microtomography at the hard X-ray microprobe beamline of the SSRF: Preliminary experimental results

J Qiu, B Deng, Q Yang, F Yan, A Li, X Yu - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2011 - Elsevier
Synchrotron-based X-ray micro-fluorescence (μ-SXRF) is a non-destructive analytical
technique and has been widely used to detect and quantify the elemental composition of …

Application of a charge-coupled device photon-counting technique to three-dimensional element analysis of a plant seed (alfalfa) using a full-field x-ray fluorescence …

M Hoshino, T Ishino, T Namiki, N Yamada… - Review of Scientific …, 2007 - pubs.aip.org
A full-field x-ray fluorescence imaging microscope using a Wolter mirror was constructed at
Photon Factory BL3C2. White x rays from a bending magnet were used to excite x-ray …