L Anderson - International Security, 2014 - direct.mit.edu
Scholars are divided on the merits of ethnofederalism as an institutional approach to the management of ethnically divided societies. For some, ethnofederalism is a potentially …
If the task of constitutional theory is to set out a language in which the discourse of constitutional law may be grounded, a question of the utmost importance is how this …
Ennek a könyvnek a megírása több mint tíz éven át tartott. Természetesen ez idő alatt sok más tudományos feladattal is foglalkoztam, és némelyik fejezetet teljesen átírtam közben …
N Nedelsky - Ethnicities, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores the theoretical debate over how best to conceptualize thecivic nation'and its implications for minority inclusion. By examining the Czech government's …
J Plaňavová-Latanowicz - Studia Europejskie-Studies in European …, 2019 - cejsh.icm.edu.pl
This article gives a practical overview of the legal aspect of European identity and the role it plays in the EU Law. It analyses the mutual relationship and legal function of two concepts of …
Secession is neither a simple path in fact nor uncontroversial in norm. A host of problems and doubts will always remain, despite all intellectual efforts to moralize and juridify it. In …
This article analyses and compares the direct democracy tools in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the framework of the former socialist Central-Eastern European area. Based on …
FR Trabucco - Cuadernos de derecho transnacional, 2020 - e-revistas.uc3m.es
Este artículo analiza y compara las herramientas de democracia directa en la República Checa y Eslovaquia en el marco de la antigua área socialista de Europa Central y Oriental …
СИ Дегтярев, ЕА Самойленко - Русин, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Статья посвящена анализу историографических фактов о положении подкарпатских русинов в Чехословакии, изложенных в документах Лиги Наций. Исследование …