Principles of halal-compliant fermentations: Microbial alternatives for the halal food industry

E Karahalil - Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
Background Microbial food ingredients produced using biotechnology have a wide range of
applications in the food industry. With new technological improvements such as genetic …

Feasibility analysis of a small-scale rainwater harvesting system for drinking water production at Werrington, New South Wales, Australia

MA Alim, A Rahman, Z Tao, B Samali, MM Khan… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2020 - Elsevier
Rainwater harvesting is a well-known method of collecting and storing rainwater that can
subsequently be used for different purposes. Most of the recent studies focused on how to …

Prinsip-prinsip bahan tambahan pangan yang memenuhi syarat halal: alternatif penyedap rasa untuk industri makanan halal

C Perdani, RR Mawarni, L Mahmudah… - Halal Research …, 2022 -
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan mayoritas penduduk beragama Islam sekitar 87%,
sehingga permintaan produk halal di Indonesia juga cukup besar. Makanan halal …

Green marketing mix: An example of its influences on purchasing decision

R Astuti, P Deoranto, MLA Wicaksono… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 -
The awareness of consumers about environment has been increasing considerably. The
green marketing mix is one of strategies for producers to meet the need of consumers. This …

Mitigasi risiko kesejahteraan hewan, kehalalan, dan keamanan rantai pasok industri daging ayam broiler skala menengah

PS Noerdyah, R Astuti, S Sucipto - Livestock and Animal Research, 2020 -
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko dan agen risiko, serta
memberikan rekomendasi mitigasi untuk mencegah agen risiko penyebab risiko yang …

Development of chitosan/starch-based forward osmosis water filtration bags for emergency water supply

S Saiful, M Ajrina, Y Wibisono, M Marlina - Membranes, 2020 -
A forward osmosis (FO) membrane was developed from a mixture of chitosan and Dioscorea
hispida starch, cross-linked using glutaraldehyde. The cross-linked chitosan/starch …

Halal influencers: A representation of the trend of halal-food consumption among the Indonesian Muslim middle class

MF Rohman, R Ulinnuha - Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif, 2022 -
Nowadays, the interest of the world's Muslim community in the consumption of halal food
has increased. As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has …

[PDF][PDF] Mekanisme fouling pada membran mikrofiltrasi mode aliran searah dan silang

I Shalahuddin, Y Wibisono - Jurnal Rekayasa Proses, 2019 -
Membran mikrofiltrasi merupakan salah satu teknologi membran yang menggunakan
tekanan rendah sekitar 1 bar sebagai gaya pendorong dan digunakan untuk proses …

Unravelling the potency of activated carbon powder derived from cultivated marine microalgae as a promising filler in mixed matrix membranes

A Sukoyo, G Djoyowasito, Y Wibisono - AgriEngineering, 2019 -
Activated carbon-filled mixed matrix membranes were commonly used to enhance the
separation performance of liquid or gas separation processes. Activated carbon is …

Analysis of Water Quality Change in Tourist Attractions to Reduce Ecological Destruction: Perspectives on Science and Environmental Theology

Z Abas, DP Anggrella, F Husen… - IOP Conference Series …, 2022 -
This study aims to determine changes in water quality due to water tourism activities in
Umbul Ponggok and Jumog Waterfall, Central Java, Indonesia. This research uses a mixed …