tics discussed in this book expose six false but common assumptions about the process of democratic representation. They point to complex social and political actions that escape the …
Avec les termes «citoyens de l'Union», les rédacteurs du Traité de Maastricht inscrivent dans le droit de l'Union européenne un concept dont la dénomination reprend celle de …
This article scrutinizes the last ten years of the academic debate on EU citizenship law taking nine fundamental disagreements among scholars as staring points. It explores EU …
Citizenship has long been a heavily disputed topic, with the question «Who is the citizen?» generating much controversy both in academia and society at large. In her latest book …
Granting family residence rights to third country national EU family members is a controversial issue that has been the object of a lively debate, especially in recent years …
Abstract The European Union suffers from an empty formalistic reading of the principle of equality when dealing with situations where different legal orders legitimately compete …
“Soy ciudadana (o) mexicana (o).” Ésta es una de esas frases que se dice de un solo tirón de voz; que se repite y que suena hueca hasta que alguien se toma el tiempo para tratar de …
D Kochenov, O Gstrein, J Veraldi - 2012 - academia.edu
THE JEAN MONNET PROGRAM Page 1 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2063200 THE JEAN MONNET PROGRAM JHH Weiler, Director Jean Monnet Working Paper 02/ 12 …