Performance modelling and cost effective execution for distributed graph processing on configurable VMs

Z Li, B Zhang, S Ren, Y Liu, Z Qin… - 2017 17th IEEE/ACM …, 2017 -
Graph Processing has been widely used to capture complex data dependency and uncover
relationship insights. Due to the ever-growing graph scale and algorithm complexity …

Error resilient infrastructure for data transfer in a distributed neutron detector

L Dilillo, A Bosio, M Valka, P Girard… - … on Defect and Fault …, 2011 -
In a radiating harsh environment, a distributed neutron sensor needs a robust data transfer
infrastructure, since the latter is exposed to radiations as well as the sensing elements. In …

[PDF][PDF] Partitioning strategies for load balancing subgraph-centric distributed graph processing

N Choudhury, R Dindokar, A Dixit… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2015 -
Distributed graph processing platforms have helped emerging application domains use
commodity clusters and Clouds to analyze large graphs. Vertex-centric programming …