Living the revolution: Italian women's resistance and radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945 Page 1 LIVING THE REVOLUTION Italian Women's Resistance and Radicalism in New York …
A temática do fascismo italiano e suas repercussões pelo mundo tem atraído cada vez mais a atenção dos historiadores, em várias partes do mundo. O presente livro aborda o caso …
J Reich - Men and Masculinities, 2010 -
The major wave of Italian immigration between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries coincided with the growth of the physical culture movement in the United States. A principal …
This book identifies a strand of what it calls" Accidental Orientalism" in narratives by Italians who found themselves in Ottoman Egypt and Anatolia in the late nineteenth and early …
The figure of Julius Caesar has loomed large in the United States since its very beginning, admired and evoked as a gateway to knowledge of politics, war, and even national life. In …
" Twilight of the Idols is an outstanding study of Hollywood celebrity culture in the wake of the star scandals that rocked the industry in 1921 and 1922. Through case studies of key male …
The body partially disrobed as a visual strategy for self-branding is the theme of this article. During Fascism, photography, in synergy with the communications industry ante-literam …
F Chiaricati - Identità da consumare, 2023 -
Nel cinquantennio compreso tra il 1890, quando i movimenti migratori verso gli Stati Uniti diventarono trasferimenti di massa, e il 1940, anno in cui l'Italia fascista entrò in guerra con …
This pioneering book offers the first account of the work of the photographers, both official and freelance, who contributed to the forging of Mussolini's image. It departs from the …