Quantum computers are increasing in size and quality but are still very noisy. Error mitigation extends the size of the quantum circuits that noisy devices can meaningfully …
Recent advances in quantum computers are demonstrating the ability to solve problems at a scale beyond brute force classical simulation. As such, a widespread interest in quantum …
The real-time simulation of large many-body quantum systems is a formidable task, that may only be achievable with a genuine quantum computational platform. Currently, quantum …
F Wagner, DJ Egger, F Liers - INFORMS Journal on …, 2024 - pubsonline.informs.org
Quantum computation promises to advance a wide range of computational tasks. However, current quantum hardware suffers from noise and is too small for error correction. Thus …
The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a promising quantum algorithm that can be used to approximately solve combinatorial optimization problems. The usual …
Multiobjective optimization is a ubiquitous problem that arises naturally in many scientific and industrial areas. Network routing optimization with multiobjective performance demands …
We propose a surrogate-based method for optimizing parameterized quantum circuits which is designed to operate with few calls to a quantum computer. We employ a computationally …
TY Ng, JM Koh, DE Koh - arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.09745, 2024 - arxiv.org
The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a near-term quantum algorithm aimed at solving combinatorial optimization problems. Since its introduction, various …
Quantum computing not only holds the potential to solve long-standing problems in quantum physics, but also to offer speed-ups across a broad spectrum of other fields. However, due to …