Study of caspian Sea tsunami caused by a potential submarine landslide triggered due to seismic activity of the faulting system of the northern Iranian plateau

E Rastgoftar, M Soltanpour, MR Akbarpour Jannat - Natural Hazards, 2024 - Springer
This study examines a significant accumulation of deposits on an abnormal slope in the
southern Caspian Sea, which is believed to be a potential source of submarine landslides …

Field survey and modelling of the Caspian Sea tsunami of 1990 June 20

A Salaree, EA Okal - Geophysical Journal International, 2015 -
Abstract The Rudbar-Tarom earthquake of 1990 June 20 (M 0= 1.4× 1027 dyn cm), the
largest one in Iran over the past 35 yr, was accompanied by a small tsunami in the Caspian …

Tsunamis in the central part of the Caspian Sea

EA Kulikov, IP Kuzin, OI Yakovenko - Oceanology, 2014 - Springer
This paper describes the geotectonics of the Caspian Sea basin and the seismicity of its
central part. The seismicity analysis enables us to identify the most probable zones of …

Цунами в центральной части Каспийского моря

ЕА Куликов, ИП Кузин, ОИ Яковенко - Океанология, 2014 -
В работе приводится краткая характеристика геотектоники региона Каспийского моря и
сейсмичности центральной части бассейна. На основе анализа сейсмичности …

[PDF][PDF] Kinematic models and early warning systems (earthquakes and tsunamis) for Azerbaidjan (Baku case)

Y Ivanov, A Kisyov, B Ranguelov - Ann. of M&G University -
The fundamental relationship of the velocities of P-and S-seismic waves is used to calculate
the travel times between the well known seismic sources of Azerbaijan to Baku (capital and …


МА Евдошенко - Труды XI Всероссийской конференции с …, 2021 -
О явлениях цунами в Каспийском море, изобилующих многочисленными разломами
земной коры, известно давно [1], однако эта информация достаточно скудная. Цунами …

Tsunami Generation and its Characteristics Due to Land Slide in the Caspian Sea

F Ghanbarpour, SA Neshaei… - Amirkabir Journal of Civil …, 2020 -
Tsunami waves can be generated in any coastal area, including inland seas and large
lakes. Although there exists enough information about the generation and propagation of …

[PDF][PDF] Tectonic of coastal-foothill region of Southwestern Caspian with a view on the marine hazards

A Keynezhad - Geotechnical Geology, 2016 -
The development of knowledge of morphotectonic and seismotectionic during the past 10
years in the country reveals containing valuable information about the history of activity of a …

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