Die Thematik dieser Arbeit liegt mir sehr am Herzen und es erfreut mich besonders, dass die Nachhaltigkeit heute im Wirtschaftsrecht und sogar im Gesellschaftsrecht–dies zeigt der …
E Stokes, B Pontin - International Journal of Law in Context, 2022 - cambridge.org
In this paper, we begin reflecting on how 'futures literacy'–recently championed by UNESCO as a vital skill that allows people to better understand the role of the future in what they see …
Climate change is one of the great problems facing humanity; this book introduces readers to major rulings from around the world that centre on climate change as a core focus. In …
The European Climate Law (EU Climate Law) shall become a critical element of future EU regulations and law-making process based on the Green Deal (the EU climate and energy …
Despite the rapid evolution of 'polycentric climate governance'initiatives, which cover actors as diverse as companies, cities, and civil society organizations, both the state and public law …
Os aumentos registrados na temperatura do planeta nos últimos anos e os recentes relatórios do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) demonstram a …
(Chicago University Press, 2020), 152 pp, $95 hb, $27.50 pb, $26.99 ebk. ISBN 9780226571225 hb, 9780226571362 pb, 9780226571539 ebk SR Bush & P. Oosterveer …
The era of 'post-truth'is often described as one in which there has been an objective rise in the number of untruthful statements in the public sphere. This paper not only makes the case …