Obtaining personalized 3D animatable avatars from a monocular camera has several real world applications in gaming, virtual try-on, animation, and VR/XR, etc. However, it is very …
Abstract Modeling Neural Radiance Fields for fast-moving deformable objects from visual data alone is a challenging problem. A major issue arises due to the high deformation and …
Monocular egocentric 3D human motion capture is a challenging and actively researched problem. Existing methods use synchronously operating visual sensors (eg RGB cameras) …
3D hand tracking from a monocular video is a very challenging problem due to hand interactions, occlusions, left-right hand ambiguity, and fast motion. Most existing methods …
Creating realistic 3D objects and clothed avatars from a single RGB image is an attractive yet challenging problem. Due to its ill-posed nature, recent works leverage powerful prior …
Volumetric reconstruction of dynamic scenes is an important problem in computer vision. It is especially challenging in poor lighting and with fast motion. It is partly due to the limitations …