Synthetic mutualism and the intervention dilemma

JA Denton, CS Gokhale - Life, 2019 -
Ecosystems are complex networks of interacting individuals co-evolving with their
environment. As such, changes to an interaction can influence the whole ecosystem …

Microbial cross-feeding promotes multiple stable states and species coexistence, but also susceptibility to cheaters

Z Sun, T Koffel, SM Stump, GM Grimaud… - Journal of Theoretical …, 2019 - Elsevier
Mutualism, interspecific cooperation that yields reciprocal benefits, can promote species
coexistence, enhancing biodiversity. As a specific form of mutualism, cross-feeding, where …

Predictive networks for multi meta-omics data integration

A Zandonà - 2017 -
The role of microbiome in disease onset and in equilibrium is being exposed by a wealth of
high-throughput omics methods. All key research directions, eg, the study of gut microbiome …

Research on Resource Scheduling Strategy Based on Evolutionary Game in Big Data Environment

C Wang, Y Chen, Q Luo, H Chen… - 2018 13th International …, 2018 -
Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (ACO) is a kind of probabilistic algorithm used to find the
optimal path. It has natural advantages in the resource scheduling algorithm of big data …