[PDF][PDF] 轧制预变形和奥氏体化温度对贝氏体钢显微组织与拉伸性能的影响

赵秋红, 王庆芬, 马到原 - 机械工程材料 - qikan.cmes.org
对Fe-0.9 C-1.4 Si-1.6 Mn-0.8 Cr-0.2 Mo-0.25 Al 钢锭分别进行冷轧与热轧变形处理,
再进行850~ 1 100℃ 奥氏体化处理和300℃ 等温处理, 研究了轧制预变形和奥氏体化温度对显 …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of Rolling Pre-deformation and Austenitizing Temperature on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Bainitic Steel

赵秋红, 王庆芬, 马到原 - Materials For Mechanical Engineering - qikan.cmes.org
Fe-0.9 C-1.4 Si-1.6 Mn-0.8 Cr-0.2 Mo-0.25 Al steel ingot was subjected to cold rolling and
hot rolling deformation, respectively, and then was treated by austenitizing at 850-1 100℃ …