A comprehensive overview of the applications of artificial life

KJ Kim, SB Cho - Artificial Life, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We review the applications of artificial life (ALife), the creation of synthetic life on computers
to study, simulate, and understand living systems. The definition and features of ALife are …

Evolutionary music: applying evolutionary computation to the art of creating music

R Loughran, M O'Neill - Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2020 - Springer
We present a review of the application of genetic programming (GP) and other variations of
evolutionary computation (EC) to the creative art of music composition. Throughout the …

[PDF][PDF] AI methods for algorithmic composition: A survey, a critical view and future prospects

G Papadopoulos, G Wiggins - AISB symposium on musical …, 1999 - researchgate.net
AI Methods for Algorithmic Composition: A Survey, a Critical View and Future Prospects Page
1 AI Methods for Algorithmic Composition: A Survey, a Critical View and Future Prospects …

Frankensteinian methods for evolutionary music composition

PM Todd, GM Werner - 1999 - direct.mit.edu
Musical composition, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void, but
out of the accwnulated individual experiences, cultural contexts, and inherited predilections …

Transit route network design using parallel genetic algorithm

J Agrawal, TV Mathew - Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2004 - ascelibrary.org
A transit route network design (TRND) problem for urban bus operation involves the
determination of a set of transit routes and the associated frequencies that achieve the …

Computational intelligence in music composition: A survey

CH Liu, CK Ting - IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Composing music is an inspired yet challenging task, in that the process involves many
considerations such as assigning pitches, determining rhythm, and arranging …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a framework for the evaluation of machine compositions

M Pearce, G Wiggins - Proceedings of the AISB, 2001 - Citeseer
We outline a framework within which machine compositions may be evaluated objectively. In
particular, the framework allows statements about those compositions to be refuted on the …

Generation of musical sequences with genetic techniques

AR Burton, T Vladimirova - Computer Music Journal, 1999 - JSTOR
The first demonstration of the search and optimi-zation possibilities of genetic algorithms is
related to the application of evolutionary processes to binary strings (Holland 1975; …

A new genetic algorithm approach applied to atomic and molecular cluster studies

FT Silva, MX Silva, JC Belchior - Frontiers in chemistry, 2019 - frontiersin.org
A new procedure is suggested to improve genetic algorithms for the prediction of structures
of nanoparticles. The strategy focuses on managing the creation of new individuals by …

Recent advances of computational intelligence techniques for composing music

YW Wen, CK Ting - IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Music exerts a ubiquitous influence on human cultures and daily lives. Composing music is
deemed rather complicated because it involves various factors (eg, instruments, melodies …