S Sarwito, SA Priyangga - Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2021 - ejurnal.its.ac.id
Konsep pelabuhan ramah lingkungan atau dikenal dengan istilah green port kini diterapkan oleh seluruh negara-negara di ASEAN yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi tingkat …
Floating docks play a critical role in the maintenance and inspection of submerged sections of ships. However, their operational complexity requires the expertise of a skilled dock …
T Yulianto, YA Hermawan, RS Widjaja… - Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu … - ejournal.undip.ac.id
The safety of maritime transportation is a critical aspect that must be addressed to ensure the well-being of ships and their crew. Frequent ship accidents highlight the need for …
A HALUS, I SEVERIN, N ACOMI - Materials Research Proceedings - mrforum.com
Floating pontoon berthing facilities are used by RO-RO ships and ferries to provide temporary or semi-permanent docking and loading/unloading capabilities. In order to …