A 0.01 mm2 fully-differential 2-stage amplifier with reference-free CMFB using an architecture-switching-scheme for bandwidth variation

M Kuhl, Y Manoli - … 2015-41st European Solid-State Circuits …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work presents an area-efficient fully-differential 2-stage amplifier as analog pre-
amplifier for active neural recording probes. It features an architecture-switching-scheme to …

Automatic channel selection in neural microprobes: A combinatorial multi-armed bandit approach

C Gordillo, B Frank, I Ulbert, O Paul… - 2016 IEEE/RSJ …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
State-of-the-art neural microprobes contain hundreds of electrodes within a single shaft. Due
to hardware and wiring restrictions, it is usually only possible to measure a small subset of …

[PDF][PDF] Akademische Positionen

A Positionen - 2016 - informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Lebenslauf Kurzbeschreibung Forschungsinteressen Page 1 Lebenslauf Wolfram Burgard 4.
Januar 2022 Arbeitsadresse: Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik Georges-Köhler-Allee …

[PDF][PDF] Industry Positions

W Burgard - 2002 - utn.de
Curriculum Vitae Research Interests Education Industry Positions Academic Positions Page
1 Curriculum Vitae Wolfram Burgard August 27, 2024 Work Address: University of …