KS Kolev - Quarterly Journal of Finance, 2019 - World Scientific
Capitalizing on the disclosure mandated by FAS 157, I examine the equity market's perception of the reliability of internally generated fair value estimates. For the sample of …
By adopting a political economy perspective to accounting, this paper provides an overall post-implementation assessment of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) …
Este trabajo analiza el efecto de los modelos de valor razonable y coste histórico, aplicables opcionalmente según la NIC 40 para las inversiones inmobiliarias, sobre el valor de …
As researchers reveal the increasing complexities of accounting practices in emerging economies, there is a growing need for an overview of the topic. The Routledge Companion …
In capital markets, the investment decision-making process is vastly influenced by accounting information. This paper addresses equity investment valuation through market …
Integrated reporting has gained more and more attention from both companies and external stakeholders, like investors and consumers. Some potential benefits of using integrated …
MPH Bueno, AL Gutiérrez, RB Mesa - xxicongreso.aeca.es
Desde que en 2005 comenzó la armonización contable en Europa ya través del Reglamento (CE) 1606/2002 se adoptaron las NIC/NIIF en todos sus estados miembros …
Tema centrale dell'elaborato è il principio contabile internazionale “IAS 40–Investment Property”, che viene analizzato in tutti i suoi paragrafi. Esso si caratterizza per il fatto di …