Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat destinasi wisata di Prov. Lampung memiliki potensi untuk menjadi wisata syariah hal tersebut didukung dengan penilaian empat aspek yang ada di …
Halal lifestyle has become a trend of world needs. Indonesia took this opportunity through the development of halal tourism. Halal tourism is part of the tourism industry that provides …
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa dan membuka pemahaman seputar diskursus Halal Tourism serta menakar peluang atau prospek pariwisata syariah di era revolusi …
R Destiana, RS Astuti - Conference on Public …, 2019 - proceedings.undip.ac.id
Pariwisata halal mengedepankan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar umat Islam di destinasi wisata, seperti beribadah, bersuci, dan berwisata sesuai ketentuan syariah. Potensi …
L Santoso, A Triyanta… - Ijtihad: Jurnal Wacana …, 2022 - ijtihad.iainsalatiga.ac.id
The halal tourism industry is an emerging sector that has recently become a global trend in economic development in many countries. However, in various regions in Indonesia, halal …
This theoretical review aimed to discuss about homestay criteria that has been accepting halal tourism principles that can be implemented in the rural tourism. This because the need …
Isi yang dituangkan dalam buku ini merupakan referensi dalam pengembangan Ekonomi Industri. Sektor industri yang berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi tentunya …
This study aims to analyze and describe the responses of tourist destination stakeholders on halal tourism branding embedded by the government and promoted by many countries …
M Arfani - Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2022 - jurnal.syntaxtransformation.co.id
The success of the development of the tourism sector can not be separated from synergistic collaboration from various parties. Synchronization of various tourism sectors is the basic …