This paper surveys a part of the theory ofβ-reduction inλ-calculus which might aptly be calledperpetual reductions. The theory is concerned withperpetual reduction strategies, ie …
J Harrison, J Urban, F Wiedijk - Handbook of the History of Logic, 2014 - Elsevier
By interactive theorem proving, we mean some arrangement where the machine and a human user work together interactively to produce a formal proof. There is a wide spectrum …
R Harper, DR Licata - Journal of functional programming, 2007 -
The LF logical framework codifies a methodology for representing deductive systems, such as programming languages and logics, within a dependently typed λ-calculus. In this …
H Barendregt - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 1997 -
One of the most important contributions of A. Church to logic is his invention of the lambda calculus. We present the genesis of this theory and its two major areas of application: the …
J Harrison - International conference on theorem proving in higher …, 2005 - Springer
We describe a formalization of the elementary algebra, topology and analysis of finite- dimensional Euclidean space in the HOL Light theorem prover.(Euclidean space is …
G Dowek, B Werner - The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2003 -
We define a generic notion of cut that applies to many first-order theories. We prove a generic cut elimination theorem showing that the cut elimination property holds for all …
D Basin, S Matthews, L Viganò - Studia Logica, 1998 - Springer
We present a framework for machine implementation of families of non-classical logics with Kripke-style semantics. We decompose a logic into two interacting parts, each a natural …
R Bloo, F Kamareddine, R Nederpelt - Information and Computation, 1996 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose to extend the Barendregt Cube by generalisingβ-reduction and by adding definition mechanisms. Generalised reduction allows contracting more visible …
G Bancerek, P Rudnicki - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2002 - Springer
This paper reports on the MIZAR formalization of the theory of continuous lattices as presented in Gierz et al.: A Compendium of Continuous Lattices, 1980. By a MIZAR …