Modeling deltaic lobe‐building cycles and channel avulsions for the Yellow River Delta, China

AJ Moodie, JA Nittrouer, H Ma… - Journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
River deltas grow by repeating cycles of lobe development punctuated by channel
avulsions, so that over time, lobes amalgamate to produce a composite landform. Existing …

Impacts of tectonic subsidence on basin depth and delta lobe building

TY Dong, JA Nittrouer, B Carlson, B McElroy… - Authorea …, 2022 -
Channel avulsions on river deltas are the primary means to distribute sediment and build
land at the coastline. Many studies have detailed how avulsions generate delta lobes …

[PDF][PDF] Impacts of tectonic subsidence on basin depth and

TY Dong, JA Nittrouer, B Carlson, B McElroy… -
ESSOAr| https://doi. org/10.1002/essoar. 10511869.1| CC_BY_NC_ND_4. 0| First posted
online: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 02: 18: 39| This content has not been peer reviewed. manuscript …

[PDF][PDF] Modeling deltaic lobe-building cycles and channel

AJ Carlson, MP Lamb, G Parker - 2019 -
Abstract 17 River deltas grow by repeating cycles of lobe development punctuated by
channel avul-18 sions, so that over time, lobes amalgamate to produce a composite …