Percolation's Value Page 1 ARTICLE Percolation's Value Michael Coenen & Seth Davisy Abstract. Few legal metaphors enjoy more prominence than that of a legal issue "percolating" …
State courts matter. Not only do state courts handle more than sixty times the number of civil cases as federal courts, but they also represent an important bulwark against the effects …
Multidistrict litigation (MDL) dominates the federal civil docket. MDL has been used to consolidate hundreds of thousands of cases, including with respect to asbestos, the BP oil …
Multidistrict litigation (MDL) is exploding. MDL makes up a large and increasing portion of the federal civil docket. It has been used in recent years to manage and resolve some of our …
The opioid epidemic claimed over 40,000 lives last year. 1 Over 2 million individuals suffer from opioid induced impairment and dependence. 2 Countless other lives are affected and …
ZD Clopton, AD Bradt - California Law Review, 2019 - JSTOR
Perhaps the two most salient trends in complex litigation have been the rise of multidistrict litigation (MDL) and the fall of aggregation on plaintiffs' terms. According to recent statistics …
ZD Clopton - U. Pa. J. Const. L., 2021 - HeinOnline
Federal curs routinely apply. slate law. In diversiy as, federal courts apply the. slate law/ha/theforum. slate would apply-he. so-alled Klaxon rule. Ouside ofdiversi/y,/he vi/aliy of …
This Research Handbook considers many aspects of corporate liability, beginning with a fundamental explanation of what the company is, through depictions of corporate liability in …
Harvey, Ike, Rita, Dolly, Humberto. These names will be familiar to Texans as major hurricanes that have afflicted the state in recent years. And they will be familiar to Texas …