on the African American example. Mexican Americans intermarry much more than do blacks, live in less segregated areas, and face less labor market discrimination, which suggests a …
LE Gómez - Manifest Destinies, Second Edition, 2018 - degruyter.com
Manifest Destinies tells the story of the original Mexican Americans—the people living in northern Mexico in 1846 during the onset of the Mexican American War. The war abruptly …
KR Johnson - U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev., 1996 - HeinOnline
International human rights issues in the United States obviously are shaped by many factors. My focus in this essay is on an issue that, at first glance, might appear insignificant …
The article explores the historical roots of the Latin American region's strong commitment to the idea of universal human rights, focusing on four key intellectual moments: the ethical …
Despite rhetoric that suggests that the United States opens its doors to virtually anyone who wants to come here, immigration has been restricted since the nation began. In this book …
V Ortiz, E Telles - Race and social problems, 2012 - Springer
How racial barriers play in the experiences of Mexican Americans has been hotly debated. Some consider Mexican Americans similar to European Americans of a century ago that …
MA Olivas - No undocumented child left behind, 2012 - degruyter.com
The 1982 US Supreme Court case of Plyler v. Doe, which made it possible for undocumented children to enroll in Texas public schools, was a watershed moment for …
The trope of language barriers and the toppling thereof is widely resonant as a reference point for societal progress. Central to this trope is a misleading debate between advocates of …
F Valdes - Griffith Law Review, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
This article provides a general overview of LatCrit theory as a genre of contemporary critical legal scholarship. LatCrit theory self-consciously does not limit itself to law or to scholars …