Multi-Target Video Tracking Based on Improved Data Association and Mixed Kalman/ Filtering

H Wang, SK Nguang - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 -
This paper proposes a novel multi-target video tracking (MTVT) method based on improved
data association and mixed Kalman/H∞ filtering. First, multiple features of video targets …

[PDF][PDF] 一种面向实时交互的变形手势跟踪方法

王西颖, 张习文, 戴国忠 - 2007 - Citeseer
变形手势跟踪是基于视觉的人机交互研究中的一项重要内容. 单摄像头条件下,
提出一种新颖的变形手势实时跟踪方法. 利用一组2D 手势模型替代高维度的3D 手模型 …

Multi object tracking: A survey

S Bouraya Jr, A Belangour - … International Conference on …, 2021 -
Multiple target tracking (MTT) or multiple object tracking (MOT), which is a key stage
operation for many computer vision applications, has relied and it relies on detecting and …

Tracking of deformable human hand in real time as continuous input for gesture-based interaction

X Wang, X Zhang, G Dai - … of the 12th international conference on …, 2007 -
Gesture input is a natural and effective interactive model. The tracking of deformable hand
gesture is a very important task in gesture-based interaction. A novel real-time tracking …

Improved probabilistic data association and its application for target tracking in clutter

N Longqiang, G Shesheng, X Li - … International conference on …, 2011 -
In this paper a new association probability was proposed to enhance the accuracy and
stability of the probabilistic data association filter results in dense clutter environment. Firstly …

Particle filters for tracking closely spaced targets

M Ekman, E Sviestins, L Sjoberg… - 2007 10th …, 2007 -
In this paper we will consider several algorithms for tracking closely spaced objects. In
particular we will concentrate on various particle filter implementations. One particular …

Quadrature-based nonlinear joint probabilistic data association filter

N Adurthi, M Majji, P Singla - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2019 -
This paper deals with the coupled problem of data association and nonlinear estimation for
enhanced Space Situational Awareness (SSA) applications. High-order quadrature methods …

An approach to tracking deformable hand gesture for real-time interaction

王西颖, 张习文, 戴国忠 - Journal of Software, 2007 -
变形手势跟踪是基于视觉的人机交互研究中的一项重要内容. 单摄像头条件下,
提出一种新颖的变形手势实时跟踪方法. 利用一组 2D 手势模型替代高维度的 3D 手模型 …

Ground target tracking using acoustic sensors

M Ekman, K Davstad, L Sjoberg - 2007 Information, Decision …, 2007 -
In this paper the tracking of ground targets using acoustic sensors, distributed in a wireless
network, is studied. The solution to the tracking problem is given within the Bayesian …

Improved multi-target tracking crossing paths in MIMO FMCW 8× 16 radar system using a new hybrid AMC-JPDAF algorithm

K Zarai, I Ben Abdallah, A Cherif - Aerospace Systems, 2023 - Springer
This research paper deals with multi-target tracking in a MIMO radar system, which presents
complex data that can result in correlation problems and create technical difficulties. The …