An anthropomorphic soft skeleton hand exploiting conditional models for piano playing

JAE Hughes, P Maiolino, F Iida - Science Robotics, 2018 -
The development of robotic manipulators and hands that show dexterity, adaptability, and
subtle behavior comparable to human hands is an unsolved research challenge. In this …

AirPiano: Enhancing music playing experience in virtual reality with mid-air haptic feedback

I Hwang, H Son, JR Kim - 2017 IEEE world haptics conference …, 2017 -
We present AirPiano, an enhanced music playing system to provide touchable experiences
in HMD-based virtual reality with mid-air haptic feedback. AirPiano allows users to enjoy …

The firefader: Simple, open-source, and reconfigurable haptic force feedback for musicians

E Berdahl, A Kontogeorgakopoulos - Computer Music Journal, 2013 -
The FireFader is a simple haptic force-feedback device that is optimized for introducing
musicians to haptics. It is based upon a single-degree-of-freedom potentiometer fader …

[PDF][PDF] Once more, with feeling: Revisiting the role of touch in performer-instrument interaction

S O'Modhrain, RB Gillespie - Musical haptics, 2018 -
The dynamical response of a musical instrument plays a vital role in determining its
playability. This is because, for instruments where there is a physical coupling between the …

Buttons, handles, and keys: Advances in continuous-control keyboard instruments

A McPherson - Computer Music Journal, 2015 -
The keyboard is one of the most popular and enduring musical interfaces ever created.
Today, the keyboard is most closely associated with the acoustic piano and the electronic …

Gaussian process inference modelling of dynamic robot control for expressive piano playing

L Scimeca, C Ng, F Iida - Plos one, 2020 -
Piano is a complex instrument, which humans learn to play after many years of practice. This
paper investigates the complex dynamics of the embodied interactions between a human …

Multibody-based piano action: validation of a haptic key

S Timmermans, B Dehez, P Fisette - Machines, 2020 -
A piano key prototype actuated by a custom-made linear actuator is proposed to enhance
the touch of digital pianos by reproducing the force feedback of an acoustic piano action …

In-plane flexure-based clamp

S Awtar, JM Quint - Precision engineering, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper presents the design of a simple flexure-based clamp that may be used in
experimental set-ups to hold cylindrical and flat components in the plane of a mounting …

[PDF][PDF] Force-feedback instruments for the laptop orchestra of louisiana

E Berdahl, A Pfalz, M Blandino, SD Beck - Musical haptics, 2018 -
Digital musical instruments yielding force feedback were designed and employed in a case
study with the Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana. The advantages of force feedback are …

Non-smooth dynamics for an efficient simulation of the grand piano action

A Thorin, X Boutillon, J Lozada, X Merlhiot - Meccanica, 2017 - Springer
Abstract Models with impact or dry friction, yielding discontinuous velocities or accelerations,
have motivated research for appropriate numerical methods in the community of non-smooth …