Reference to kinds across language

G Chierchia - Natural language semantics, 1998 - Springer
This paper is devoted to the study of bare nominal arguments (ie, determinerless NPs
occurring in canonical argumental positions) from a crosslinguistic point of view. It is …

Specificity and differential object marking in Spanish

M Leonetti - Catalan journal of linguistics, 2004 -
The use of the preposition a with direct objects in Spanish is a well known instance of the
general phenomenon of Differential Object Marking (DOM). In Spanish grammars the …

[图书][B] Leísta Spanish and the syntax of clitic doubling

TM Bleam - 2000 -
This dissertation introduces clitic doubling data from Leísta Spanish (a dialect spoken in the
North of Spain). In this dialect, the dative form clitic is used as a direct object clitic when the …

[PDF][PDF] Weak definite noun phrases

G Carlson, R Sussman, N Klein, M Tanenhaus - PROCEEDINGS-NELS, 2006 - Citeseer
Semantic accounts of the definite article have tended to fall into two general
classes:'uniqueness' accounts (Russell, 1905), and 'familiarity'accounts (Heim, 1982; see …

[图书][B] The meaning of more

A Wellwood - 2019 -
This book reimagines the compositional semantics of comparative sentences using words
such as more, as, too, and others. The book's central thesis entails a rejection of a …

Strong and weak nominals

L McNally - The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Milsark introduced the terms weak and strong to distinguish (respectively) the nominals that
could appear in English there‐existential sentences (eg, some trees, cf. There are some …

Parallel (a) symmetries and the internal structure of negative expressions

V Déprez - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2000 - Springer
In many Romance languages, negative expressions exhibit a robust distributional
asymmetry. When in post-verbal positions, they require theco-presence of negation; when in …

[PDF][PDF] Les noms sans déterminant dans les langues romanes

C Dobrovie-Sorin, B Laca - Les langues romanes. Problèmes de la …, 2003 -
La plupart des théoriciens s' accordent pour supposer qu'en l'absence de déterminant, les
noms, ainsi que leurs projections lexicales (les constituants N+ Adj, par exemple) sont des …

[PDF][PDF] Por qué determinados sustantivos no son sustantivos determinados. Repaso y balance

I Bosque - El sustantivo sin determinación. La ausencia de …, 1996 -
Una de las muchas paradojas que proporciona la investigación gramatical radica en la
reconocida dificultad que conlleva analizar las frases nominales más breves. En la presente …

[PDF][PDF] Copula inversion puzzles in English and Russian

B Partee - Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The Seattle …, 1998 -
Controversies and puzzles concerning possible inversion around the copula in English
copula might be illuminated by comparison with some aspects of the behavior of Russian …