Global disparity in the resilience of coral reefs

G Roff, PJ Mumby - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2012 -
The great sensitivity of coral reefs to climate change has raised concern over their resilience.
An emerging body of resilience theory stems largely from research carried out in a single …

Unseen players shape benthic competition on coral reefs

KL Barott, FL Rohwer - Trends in microbiology, 2012 -
Recent work has shown that hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic matter (OM) from algae
disrupts the function of the coral holobiont and promotes the invasion of opportunistic …

[HTML][HTML] Overfishing and nutrient pollution interact with temperature to disrupt coral reefs down to microbial scales

JR Zaneveld, DE Burkepile, AA Shantz… - Nature …, 2016 -
Losses of corals worldwide emphasize the need to understand what drives reef decline.
Stressors such as overfishing and nutrient pollution may reduce resilience of coral reefs by …

Re-evaluating the health of coral reef communities: baselines and evidence for human impacts across the central Pacific

JE Smith, R Brainard, A Carter… - … of the Royal …, 2016 -
Numerous studies have documented declines in the abundance of reef-building corals over
the last several decades and in some but not all cases, phase shifts to dominance by …

Global assessment of the status of coral reef herbivorous fishes: evidence for fishing effects

CB Edwards, AM Friedlander… - … of the Royal …, 2014 -
On coral reefs, herbivorous fishes consume benthic primary producers and regulate
competition between fleshy algae and reef-building corals. Many of these species are also …

Characterizing the ecological trade‐offs throughout the early ontogeny of coral recruitment

C Doropoulos, G Roff, YM Bozec, M Zupan… - Ecological …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Drivers of recruitment in sessile marine organisms are often poorly understood, due to the
rapidly changing requirements experienced during early ontogeny. The complex suite of …

Coral and macroalgal exudates vary in neutral sugar composition and differentially enrich reef bacterioplankton lineages

CE Nelson, SJ Goldberg, L Wegley Kelly… - The ISME …, 2013 -
Increasing algal cover on tropical reefs worldwide may be maintained through feedbacks
whereby algae outcompete coral by altering microbial activity. We hypothesized that algae …

The parrotfish–coral relationship: refuting the ubiquity of a prevailing paradigm

GR Russ, SLA Questel, JR Rizzari, AC Alcala - Marine Biology, 2015 - Springer
It has become almost paradigmatic in the coral reef literature that fishing-induced reductions
of parrotfish abundance cause benthic phase shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance …

Coral reef ecology in the Anthropocene

GJ Williams, NAJ Graham, JB Jouffray… - Functional …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
We are in the Anthropocene—an epoch where humans are the dominant force of planetary
change. Ecosystems increasingly reflect rapid human‐induced, socioeconomic and cultural …

Coral reef benthic community changes in the Anthropocene: Biogeographic heterogeneity, overlooked configurations, and methodology

M Reverter, SB Helber, S Rohde… - Global Change …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Non‐random community changes are becoming more frequent in many ecosystems. In coral
reefs, changes towards communities dominated by other than hard corals are increasing in …