[图书][B] Aporofobia, a aversão ao pobre: um desafio para a democracia

A Cortina - 2020 - books.google.com
A EDITORA CONTRACORRENTE tem a satisfação de oferecer ao público brasileiro a
tradução de" Aporofobia, a aversão ao pobre: um desafio para a democracia", de autoria de …

[图书][B] Aporophobia: why we reject the poor instead of helping them

A Cortina - 2022 - degruyter.com
In this revelatory book, acclaimed political philosopher Adela Cortina makes an
unprecedented assertion: the biggest problem facing the world today is the rejection of poor …

[HTML][HTML] Industrialisation et transformation structurelle: l'Afrique sub-saharienne peut-elle se développer sans usines?

O Cadot, J de Melo, P Plane, L Wagner… - Papiers de …, 2015 - cairn.info
Avec une croissance soutenue, une vague d'investissements directs étrangers sans
précédent, et un net recul de la pauvreté, le bilan des quinze dernières années est …

[HTML][HTML] Industrialization and structural change: can sub-saharan Africa develop without factories?

O Cadot, J de Melo, P Plane, L Wagner… - Revue deconomie du …, 2016 - cairn-int.info
With its sustained growth, the unprecedented wave of foreign direct investment, and the
sharp decline in poverty, Sub-Saharan Africa's track record over the past fifteen years has …

[引用][C] Poverty in a rising Africa

K Beegle, L Christiaensen, A Dabalen, I Gaddis - 2016 - The World Bank

[图书][B] Trade liberalisation and poverty: Vietnam now and beyond

MS Le, T Singh, DT Nguyen - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
This book uses Alan Winters' analytical framework to investigate the effects of trade
liberalisation on economic growth and poverty in Vietnam. The country launched a …

[PDF][PDF] Targeting within Universal Social Protection

M Grosh - Revisiting Targeting in Social Assistance, 2022 - openknowledge.worldbank.org
38| Revisiting Targeting in Social Assistance to help them rebuild housing or livelihoods.
Productive inclusion programs seek to raise the level or decrease the variability of the …

" A home without millet is not a home": Women's agency in the maize and millet commodity chains in Mbarara District, Uganda

P Nakazibwe - 2016 - research.tilburguniversity.edu
Tilburg University "A home without millet is not a home" Nakazibwe, Primrose Page 1 Tilburg
University "A home without millet is not a home" Nakazibwe, Primrose Publication date: 2016 …

COVID-19, Poverty, and Inequality: Implication on the Egyptian Economy

MO Ajeigbe - Governance Challenges During the COVID-19 …, 2022 - Springer
It is in light of the occurrence of the pandemic that this study examined the dynamism of
COVID-19, poverty, and inequality in Egypt considering the effect of the pandemic on some …


E Halisçelik - KARATAHTA, 2017 - academia.edu
ÖZET Dünya'da bir taraftan giderek artan zenginlik gözlenirken, diğer taraftan ise şiddetli ve
geniş çaplı bir yoksulluk yaşanmaktadır. Son zamanlarda, ülkelerin kalkınma sürecinde …