6. Obiectivele disciplinei (reieşind din grila competenţelor specifice acumulate) 6.1 Obiectivul general al disciplinei Formarea abilităţilor practice şi aplicarea cunoştinţelor …
1. Compoziţia chimică a plantelor. 2. Fazele şi componentele solului. 3. Însuşirile solului în legătură cu fertilitatea şi nutriţia plantelor. 4. Cerinţele plantelor faţă de reacţia solului. 5 …
D Hreniuc, D Laichici, R Varga, A Okros, C Mihuț - 2022 - rjas.ro
Along with other wine-growing centers in Romania that are consecrated (Murfatlar, Segarcea, Drăgășani, Dealu Mare, etc.), Recașul is part of the oenoclimatic point of view, of …
1. Compoziţia chimică a plantelor. 2. Fazele şi componentele solului. 3. Însuşirile solului în legătură cu fertilitatea şi nutriţia plantelor. 4. Cerinţele plantelor faţă de reacţia solului. 5 …
Z Gyorgy, EM Nagy, C Cota, N Cioica… - 2019 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Lately fertilizer researches reveals the advantages of using organo-mineral biocomposite fertilizers as compared with using only organic or mineral fertilizers. In order to be used …
C MANUELA, O ADALBERT… - … Stiintifice Seria I …, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
Abstract Setting up a specialized agricultural system represents a large investment, which can bring long term profitability. In order for it to become economically profitable, we need to …
C MANUELA, O ADALBERT… - … Stiintifice Seria I …, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
Agriculture represents a strong economic-social factor, with an important market for the development of the local as well as the national economy. Every year, the evolution of …
Agriculture represents a strong economic-social factor, with an important market for the development of the local as well as the national economy. Every year, the evolution of …
Abstract Setting up a specialized agricultural system represents a large investment, which can bring long term profitability. In order for it to become economically profitable, we need to …