[HTML][HTML] Comparison of 2D and 3D magnetic field analysis of single-phase shaded pole induction motors

A Dalcali, M Akbaba - … Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2016 - Elsevier
There has always been doubt on the accuracy of 2D analysis of small electric machines. To
investigate the validity of this doubt, in this present work a small uni-coil shaded-pole …

[PDF][PDF] Optimum rotor design of small PM BLDC motor based on high efficiency criteria

A Saygın, C Ocak, A Dalcalı, E Çelik - ARPN Journal of Engineering and …, 2015 - Citeseer
In the systems that are fed by batteries, the duration of the energy supplied to the system is
of great importance. To use high efficiency-motors in these systems can extend the battery …

Investigation effects of narrowing rotor pole embrace to efficiency and cogging torque at PM BLDC motor

C Ocak, I Tarimer, A Dalcali, D Uygun - TEM Journal, 2016 - ceeol.com
Engineers think that pole embrace size of aPM BLDC motor affects directly the efficiency and
thetorque. Dealing with theexperimental research, in thestudywe have investigated the …

[PDF][PDF] Bir elektromanyetik fırlatıcı bobininde mermiye etkiyen kuvvetin çok katmanlı sinir ağı ile kestirimi

A Dalcalı, O Çetin, C Ocak… - Sakarya University Journal …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Özet Elektromanyetik fırlatıcılarda merminin üzerindeki kuvvet, uyartım değeri ve merminin
sargı içerisindeki konumuna göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada elektromanyetik …

Optimization of BLDC Motor for Submersible Motor Pump-Sets Application

M Anand, B Vinod, M Sundaram - Asian Journal of Research in …, 2016 - indianjournals.com
Optimization of the conventional Special Electrical Machines is one of the recent research
areas. In terms of energy conservation aspects, the conventional Special Electrical …

[PDF][PDF] Állandó mágneses szinkrongépek számítógépes modellezése, elemzése, nyomaték hullámosság csökkentő eljárások

S Jagasics - 2018 - oda.uni-obuda.hu
A vizsgált jelenség, a fognyomaték az angol irodalomban cogging torque néven található
meg. A téma a 80-as évektől kezdett központba kerülni. A fognyomaték egymáshoz képest …

[PDF][PDF] Doktori (PHD) értekezés

H SZILÁRD - hhk.uni-nke.hu
A katonaorvosi szakma egy nagyon speciális terület, mivel a katonaorvosoknak egyszerre
kell mind a Hippokratészi, mind a katonai eskünek, vagyis két hivatásnak is megfelelniük …

[引用][C] FEA-Based design improvement of small scale BLDCMs considering magnet thickness and pole embrace

C Ocak, A Dalcalı, E Çelik, D Uygun - Int'l Journal of Computing, Communications & …, 2017

[引用][C] 3D FEA-Based Cogging Torque Minimization of Small Power Battery-Fed BLDCMs Considering Magnet Thickness and Embrace

C Ocak, OV Collage, A Dalcali, E Celik, D Uygun