Exposure to negative life events, change in their perceived impact, and subsequent well-being among US adults: A longitudinal outcome-wide analysis

R Wilkinson, RG Cowden, Y Chen… - Social Science & …, 2023 - Elsevier
Objective Negative life events have the potential to undermine an individual's ability to
function and thrive, but less is known about the implications of changes in subjective …

Rare life event detection via mobile sensing using multi-task learning

A Pillai, S Nepal, A Campbell - Conference on Health …, 2023 - proceedings.mlr.press
Rare life events significantly impact mental health, and their detection in behavioral studies
is a crucial step towards health-based interventions. We envision that mobile sensing data …

Factors associated with functional constipation among students of a chinese university: a cross-sectional study

Y Zhang, Q Lin, X An, X Tan, L Yang - Nutrients, 2022 - mdpi.com
Functional constipation (FC) is prevalent worldwide and is an increasingly prominent
problem among university students. However, there is a paucity of research on FC in …


N De Witte, R Sels, G Debard, B Bonroy - interregvlaned.eu
Activity trackers zijn comfortabele toestellen die, zonder dat de gebruiker een inspanning
moet leveren, informatie kunnen verzamelen. Informatie kan bestaan uit lichamelijke …

[引用][C] Factors Associated with Functional Constipation among Students of a Chinese University: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients 2022, 14, 4590

Y Zhang, Q Lin, X An, X Tan, L Yang - 2022 - europepmc.org
Functional constipation (FC) is prevalent worldwide and is an increasingly prominent
problem among university students. However, there is a paucity of research on FC in …