Problem-solving is an action that requires a thinking process to solve a mathematical problem. Reflective thinking is a mental activity that begins with confusion and repeatedly …
MN Kholid, AA Kurniawan - AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi …, 2022 -
Defragmenting merupakan proses memperbaiki struktur berpikir seseorang yang salah agar mendapat pemahaman yang benar. Kesalahan pemahaman tersebut dapat terjadi karena …
Without realizing it, many students experience pseudo-thinking in solving mathematical contextual problems. This study aims to describe the pseudo-thinking process experienced …
This study was intended to describe the students' false-pseudo-thinking process in solving a mathematical logic problem. The problem presented was the true value of a compound …
E Suprihatin, D Rosita - EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education …, 2020 -
Independence is the attitude of life needed for the progress of a nation. An independent human being is able to mature to face the challenges of the times. Independence cannot …
KA Wibawa, I Payadnya, I Yasa… - Mathematics Teaching …, 2022 -
Learning the content of entrepreneurship arithmetic is an extension of social arithmetic that focuses on mathematical calculations in business or creative economy. Most teachers do not …
S Haryanti - JKPM (Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Matematika), 2018 -
The purpose of the study is to findways to solve mathematical problems to make it easier and fun and also able to remember the concept in the long run with the defragmenter …
GA Arista, KA Wibawa… - Prisma, Prosiding Seminar …, 2022 -
Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memecahkan masalah matematika terkait materi perbandingan dan skala, sehingga mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal …
Abstract [English]: The fragmentation of thinking structure is a failed construction existing in students' memory due to disconnections on what they have learned. It makes students …