Neural circuits underlying thirst and fluid homeostasis

CA Zimmerman, DE Leib, ZA Knight - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2017 -
Thirst motivates animals to find and consume water. More than 40 years ago, a set of
interconnected brain structures known as the lamina terminalis was shown to govern thirst …

Intraadrenal interactions in the regulation of adrenocortical steroidogenesis

M Ehrhart-Bornstein, JP Hinson, SR Bornstein… - Endocrine …, 1998 -
OVER the past few years, considerable evidence has accumulated to challenge the
accepted view of the regulation of adrenocortical function. Conventionally, the cortex and …

A syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess associated with defects in the peripheral metabolism of cortisol

S ULICK, T KODAMA, P GUNCZIER… - The Journal of …, 1979 -
A syndrome is described whose features, suggestive of primary mineralocorticoid excess,
included hypertension, hypokalemia, low PRA, and responsiveness to spironolactone …

[PDF][PDF] Prolonged infusions of angiotensin II and norepinephrine and blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and aldosterone and cortisol secretion in normal man and in …

RP Ames, AJ Borkowski, AM Sicinski… - The Journal of …, 1965 - Am Soc Clin Investig
Methods We studied seven normal volunteers and eleven pa-tients with cirrhosis. The
diagnosis of cirrhosis was de-termined from pertinent findings of the history and physical …

[图书][B] The human adrenal cortex: pathology and biology—an integrated approach

AM Neville, MJ O'Hare - 2012 -
We would like to take this opportunity of expressing our sincerest thanks to the many
persons who have made adrenal tissue and related materials available to us for our work …

11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase

C Monder, PC White - Vitamins & Hormones, 1993 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter reviews the historical perspective into the conceptual
evolution of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) from its pedestrian origin as an …

[HTML][HTML] Aldosterone: Renal Action & Physiological Effects

JG Johnston, AK Welch, BD Cain… - Comprehensive …, 2023 -
Aldosterone exerts profound effects on renal and cardiovascular physiology. In the kidney,
aldosterone acts to preserve electrolyte and acid-base balance in response to changes in …

In Vitro Effects of ACTH, Angíotensíns, Serotonin and Potassium on Steroid Output and Conversion of Corticosterone to Aldosterone by Isolated Adrenal Cells

R Haning, JF Tait - Endocrinology, 1970 -
Adrenal cells have been prepared, using crude collagenase, from the separated capsular
and decapsulated portions of adrenals from intact rats. Microscopic examination and …

Studies of the control of plasma aldosterone concentration in normal man: I. Response to posture, acute and chronic volume depletion, and sodium loading

GH Williams, JP Cain, RG Dluhy… - The Journal of …, 1972 - Am Soc Clin Investig
The peripheral plasma levels of aldosterone, renin activity (PRA), potassium, corticosterone,
cortisol, and in some cases angiotensin II, were measured in normal subjects undergoing …

Prevalence, pathogenesis, and functional significance of aldosterone deficiency in hyperkalemic patients with chronic renal insufficiency

M Schambelan, A Sebastian, EG Biglieri, NL Brust… - Kidney international, 1980 - Elsevier
Prevalence, pathogenesis, and functional significance of aldoste-rone deficiency in
hyperkalemic patients with chronic renal in-sufficiency. Plasma and urinary aldosterone …