Climate change as the 'new'security threat: implications for Africa

O Brown, A Hammill, R McLeman - International affairs, 2007 -
Once it was an environmental issue, then an energy problem, now climate change is being
recast as a security threat. So far, the debate has focused on creating a security 'hook' …

Vulnerability, poverty and the need for sustainable adaptation measures

SH Eriksen, K O'brien - Climate policy, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
The need to address both poverty and vulnerability to climate change can be considered two
of the major challenges facing human society in the 21st century. While the two concepts are …

[PDF][PDF] Dryland Opportunies: A new paradigm for people, ecosystems and development

M Mortimore, S Anderson, L Cotula, J Davies, K Faccer… - 2009 -
IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental organization, with more than
1,000 government and NGO members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 …

Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security: A Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Global …

KL O'Brien, L Sygna, R Leichenko, WN Adger… - 2008 -
The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore, in an effort to 'contribute to a …

[PDF][PDF] Climate change adaptation and poverty reduction: Key interactions and critical measures

SEH Eriksen, RJT Klein, K Ulsrud, LO Næss, K O'Brien - GECHS report, 2007 - Citeseer
1. Introduction ments and technological adaptations can clearly reduce impacts and
contribute to poverty reduction. Such adjustments can also contribute to climate change …

[PDF][PDF] Pastoral livelihood adaptation to drought and institutional interventions in Kenya

V Orindi, A Nyong, MT Herrero - UNDP Human Development …, 2007 -
Kenya straddles the equator, lying between latitudes 5 o north, and 5 o south and between
longitudes 34 o and 42 o east. Kenya's climate can be described as varied, ranging from the …

Climatic extremes' resilient livelihoods of rural households in the Eastern Ethiopia

DA Tofu, MM Mekuria, GS Ogato - Agriculture & Food Security, 2023 - Springer
Climate change is affirmed as a major challenge to global food security in the twenty-first
century and a threat to availability of adequate food for the population. This study was …

Improving the participation of agro-pastoralists in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction policy formulation: a case study from Keiyo district, Kenya

CK Songok, EC Kipkorir, EM Mugalavai… - Experiences of climate …, 2011 - Springer
Growing scientific evidence suggests that climate change will accelerate weather extremes
and increase human vulnerability to disasters. Exposure of agro-pastoralists to erratic …

[PDF][PDF] with contributions from S

M Mortimore - Anderson, L. Cotula, J. Davies, K …, 2009 -
IUCN is the world's oldest and largest global environmental organization, with more than
1,000 government and NGO members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 …

Managing chronic crises and chronic hazard conditions

L Guppy, J Twigg - Environmental Hazards, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Chronic crises are an emerging concept that is increasingly being referenced in research
and practice. Chronic crises display characteristics of both disasters and development, and …