Education, gender, and cohort fertility in the Nordic countries

M Jalovaara, G Neyer, G Andersson, J Dahlberg… - European Journal of …, 2019 - Springer
Systematic comparisons of fertility developments based on education, gender and country
context are rare. Using harmonized register data, we compare cohort total fertility and …

[PDF][PDF] Childlessness in Europe: Reconstructing long-term trends among women born in 1900–1972

T Sobotka - Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, causes, and …, 2017 -
In most parts of Europe, childlessness and non-marriage were common phenomena during
the course of the demographic transition (Rowland 2007), and contributed to the fertility …

The gap between lifetime fertility intentions and completed fertility in Europe and the United States: A cohort approach

E Beaujouan, C Berghammer - Population Research and Policy Review, 2019 - Springer
We study the aggregate gap between intended and actual fertility in 19 European countries
and the US based on a cohort approach. This complements prior research that had mainly …

From never partnered to serial cohabitors: Union trajectories to childlessness

M Jalovaara, AE Fasang - Demographic Research, 2017 - JSTOR
BACKGROUND Childlessness has increased in many European countries. Partnerships
and parenthood are obviously closely related, but there is relatively little knowledge on how …

Education and fertility in the context of rising inequality

A Adserà - Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 2017 - JSTOR
Two main factors arguably account for the fact that the negative gradient of fertility by
educational attainment, which has been prevalent in developed countries in most of the 20th …

The role of historical change for adult development and aging: Towards a theoretical framework about the how and the why.

J Drewelies, O Huxhold, D Gerstorf - Psychology and aging, 2019 -
The role of historical change for individual functioning and development has long been a
central feature of life span psychological and life course sociological theory. However, the …

The part-time revolution: Changes in the parenthood effect on women's employment in Austria across the birth cohorts from 1940 to 1979

B Riederer, C Berghammer - European Sociological Review, 2020 -
Comparing employment rates of mothers and childless women over the life course across
the birth cohorts from 1940 to 1979 in Austria, we address the question of whether the …

Educational differences in cohort fertility across sub-national regions in Europe

J Nisén, S Klüsener, J Dahlberg… - European Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Educational differences in female cohort fertility vary strongly across high-income countries
and over time, but knowledge about how educational fertility differentials play out at the sub …

Childlessness and low fertility in context: Evidence from a multilevel analysis on 20 European countries

E Brini - Genus, 2020 - Springer
Low fertility and childlessness have been largely interpreted as being driven by the same
mechanisms, although they may be qualitatively different phenomena. The present article …

Le déclin de la natalité dans le monde et en Europe

A Parant - Les Analyses de Population Avenir, 2023 -
Au XXIe siècle, la planète Terre n'a jamais porté autant d'humains. Demain, il y en aura
même davantage: en effet, la population dans le monde continue de croître. Toutefois, cette …